
Church Planting Residency Lab


Aug 2024 - June 2025 / Applications Due June 1

In recent North American history, “church planting” has largely centered around helping a planter find a place and team to start a Sunday service. This common view prioritizes one gift profile, one set of metrics, and a context that is less and less like the one that surrounds us today. Our changing culture necessitates a different method of starting a church if we’re truly seeking Jesus’ command to make disciples.

This 10-month training equips you in practical areas of starting a gospel-centered, Spirit-led, multiplying church. You (and your spouse, if married) will learn, discuss, practice, and glean from many trainers in a cohort of peers, as your spiritual confidence and ability are bolstered in time-tested church planting/leadership competencies.

Our unique lab process is designed to train you for disciple-making while you remain in your current job or ministry (~6-8 hrs/week training with bi-monthly, on-site Lab Weeks.) And while we collaborate for the training, you contextualize it to your specific vision, in part by getting to remain embedded in your local church, whose leaders work to provide opportunities, practice, and development specific to your needs.

What topics are covered?

Each 8-week “class” dives deep into various aspects of five themes: vision & culture, discipleship & dependence, leadership & team, gatehrings & ministries, and care & sustainability. Throughout the year, you’ll also complete a personal development plan based on your unique gifts and needs, which parallels the unified training. And there are times for your sending church / network / denomination to shape the trainng as well.

What is the cost?

The Church Planting Lab costs $4500 ($450/mo, Aug - May). Tuition covers online and print materials, administrative and coaching costs, and all Lab expenses (incl. food, trainers, trainers, activities, etc.). Residents/churches cover travel costs to Lab Weeks, and any expenses for your local church internship. As part of the training, we encourage you to raise 100% of tuition and costs, and both scholarships and academic credit may be available.


2024 Residency Lab Application